Creative Europe Green Stories
Green edition of Creative Europe stories produced by Motovila (CED Slovenia) is focusing on good practices for (more) sustainable international (co)operation and mobility in culture.
The Creative Europe Green Stories video is part of a series entitled Creative Europe Stories, aiming to promote the EU Creative Europe programme as well as highlighting successful initiatives developed by Slovenian organisations in cooperation with their European partners. Green edition of Creative Europe stories is focusing on good practices for (more) sustainable international (co)operation and mobility in culture.
Thank you for sharing the Creative Europe Green Stories: ?????? (Maja Vižin), ?????????̌ (Zala Velkavrh), ??????????̌?? ???̌????? ?? / ????? ???????? ????????? ?? ??? ???????? ?? ???????? (Nina Goršič), ???? (Tanja Hladnik), ????? ??????? ???? (Uroš Veber)!
Creative Europe Stories series is produced by Motovila Institute that hosts the Creative Europe Desk Slovenia.
?? ??-?? (Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License). The work may be distributed non-commercially or commercially, provided that the author of the original work is acknowledged and that the original work is not altered in any way.