
A common carbon emissions calculator for the European audiovisual sector

The project will deliver a common calculation methodology and a user-friendly web application that all producers across the EU 27 Member States can use to calculate the carbon footprint of their audiovisual productions.

The European Commission has procured the development of a calculator to assess the CO2 impact of audiovisual works. The project has been entrusted to a consortium, with the leader Seriotec, a German company specialised in cloud-based applications such as the production hub Yamdu, alongside KlimAktiv, expert on systems for calculating the carbon footprint, and green film expert Philip Gassmann.

The project will deliver a common calculation methodology and a user-friendly web application that all producers across the EU 27 Member States can use to calculate the carbon footprint of their audiovisual productions. The application will complement existing and emerging calculators through a common API and data exchange. The common calculator, however, will not replace national calculators where deeper measurements might be required. Importantly, this tool will be accessible free of charge to users. The tool will be particularly useful for producers of films and TV series, audiovisual sustainability officers, crew members in charge of carbon measurement, as well as film funds, in particular for European co-productions.

The project will run from January 2024 until December 2027 (48 months) and has an estimated budget of €650.000 from the MEDIA strand of Creative Europe programme.

For further information, see European Commission website.