


1957-1986. Art from the Decline of Modernism to the Rise of Globalisation by L’Internationale (Internacionala: 1957-1986. Umetnost od zatona modernizma do vzpona globalizacije)

7. julija 2010

L’Internationale is the name of a new transinstitutional organization of five European museums and archives. The intention of this transinstitutional organisation is a long-term collaboration based on collective use of their collections and archives. One of the goals is to challenge the usual master narratives of art and investigate local to local comparisons and differences. […]

1957-1986. Art from the Decline of Modernism to the Rise of Globalisation by L’Internationale (Internacionala: 1957-1986. Umetnost od zatona modernizma do vzpona globalizacije)

JUMUM- Youth – Musical Theatre – Museum

7. julija 2010

JUMUM (Youth – Music – Museum) – mladi, glasba in muzej, je triletni evropski projekt, ki je povezal avstrijske, nemške, poljske in slovenske ustvarjalce, in sicer z zanimivim ciljem in poslanstvom – odkriti glasbeno obliko operete v vseh njenih razsežnostih, jo osvežiti in na nov, drugačen način umestiti v čas in prostor. JUMUM skuša slediti […]

JUMUM- Youth – Musical Theatre – Museum


7. julija 2010

Vodja projekta: Consorci del Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona (ES) Soorganizatorji: Art Stations Foundation (PL),Centre de Développement Choréographique Toulouse (FR),Centre National de la Danse (FR), Dance-Gate Dancehouse Cyprus Ltd (CY), Dance Ireland Dublin (IE), Dansenshus Stockholm (SE),Dansescenen (DK), Danshuis Station Zuid (NL), DeVIR/CAPa – Centro de Artes Performativas do Algarve (PT), Hellerau – Europäisches Zentrum […]

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