Third open call Culture Moves Europe for individual mobility
Culture Moves Europe’s call targets artists and cultural professionals working in the following sectors: music, literature, architecture, cultural heritage, design and fashion design, visual arts and performing arts. Application deadline from 1 August to 30 November 2024.
The Culture Moves Europe Individual Mobility Action supports artists and cultural professionals to carry out a project with a partner of their choice in another Creative Europe country. The call is open to individuals and groups of up to 5 people, who wish to implement projects lasting between 7 to 40 days for individuals and 7 to 14 days for the groups. The grant contributes to travel and subsistence costs, and offers additional top-ups based on grantees’ individual situation.
Artists and cultural professionals can apply with a proposal to carry out a project with a partner of their choice in a Creative Europe country which is not their country of residence.
The project should pursue two of the following goals:
- to explore: to conduct creative and artistic research, to investigate, inspire and work on a specific theme or a new concept;
- to create: to engage in a creative process seeking to produce a new piece of artistic/cultural work;
- to learn: to enhance the participants’ competences and skills through non-formal learning or collaboration with a specialist;
- to connect: to develop a professional network, to strengthen the participants’ professional development, to engage with new audiences.
The Call for individual mobility is a rolling call – which means that applications are evaluated, and grants awarded every month.

As the Goethe-Institut is the institution implementing Culture Moves Europe, applications are processed through the Goethe-Application Portal.
For further information see European Commission and Goethe Institut websites, the Call document is available here. Follow FB @CultureMovesEurope.