

Vizualne umetnosti


6×6 Centre for Photography

31. januarja 2023

6×6 Centre for Photography is located in the heart of Limassol town centre, and entirely dedicated to the art and practice of photography. 6×6 organises photography courses, specialised photography seminars, screenings and other photography related events. 6×6 is looking to join a partnership in the field of visual arts.


PERIFERNE VIZIJE – K transnacionalni založniški kulturi

18. oktobra 2022

Projekt PERIFERNE VIZIJE – K transnacionalni založniški kulturi  / Peripheral Visions – towards a trans(l)national publishing culture (PVTTPC) razširja prejšnja sodelovanja in povezuje 8 organizacij iz 6 držav EU in držav zunaj EU, da se odzovejo na razdrobljenost kulturnega polja in digitalno prezasedenost, ki jo povzroča trenutni kontekst pandemije. Partnerji so za to še posebej primerni, […]

PERIFERNE VIZIJE – K transnacionalni založniški kulturi

Art & Design Institut, Češka

10. avgusta 2022

Czech Art and Design Institut (ADI) is looking for partners in the field of visual arts and art theory to join a cooperation project. They are open to projects in the framework of interdisciplinary cooperation and cultural exchange. ADI has many students from different countries of the world who are active in the arts. Their professors are renowned educators and have experience as artists, curators, theorists, designers, graphic artists.


In from the Margins

11. maja 2022

»In from the Margins je triletni projekt, ki temelji na umetniških rezidencah in projektih, ki jih izvajajo migrantski, begunski umetniki oziroma umetniki, čigar delo življenje in delo zaznamuje občutje razseljenosti.« Program je razvil studio Edinburgh Printmakers in izhaja iz njihovih predhodnih dobrih praks z migrantskimi umetniki. Zaznamuje ga socialna angažiranost, tesen odnos do lokalne skupnosti, […]

In from the Margins

The Perennial Biennial

11. maja 2022

Na stari celini smo priča velikim političnim in kulturnim spremembam, ki stalno ogrožajo povezanost evropskih držav in akterjev. Zaradi tega vrenja sta se pojavili potreba in želja po tesnejšem sodelovanju v umetnosti. Perennial Biennial je partnerstvo petih evropskih bienalov sodobne umetnosti, ki si skupaj prizadevajo za razvijanje in raziskovanje obstojnih modelov trajnih praks na področju […]

The Perennial Biennial

The Fourth Dimension Foundation, Poljska

25. junija 2021

The Fourth Dimension Foundation, a non-governmental organization from Poland, is searching for the lead partner to submit a project in the field of visual arts. They would like to create a series of portrait photographs inspired by the images of Madonna from art history and pop culture.


MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF GDAŃSK Faculty of Medicine, Poljska

25. junija 2021

Medical University of Gdańsk is searching for partners from Italy, Germany, Spain, France, Austria, Netherlands and England to participate in the project Anatomy of the Last Judgement. The aim of the project is the interdisciplinary analysis of chosen 63 paintings of “The Last Judgement”. The project will cover the cultural, medical, legal and artistic aspects of the works analysed.


Fundación Mainel, Španija

13. aprila 2021

Fundación Mainel would like to participate as a partner in a cooperation project. Their core mission is focused on Culture & Solidarity & social initiatives for cooperation. Field of interest: Visual Arts.


Polimorf Association, Srbija

2. aprila 2021

Polimorf Association, CSO based in New Belgrade, mainly active in the field of visual arts -sculpture/ community art projects/ eco-activism would like to take part as a partner in a cooperation project.


Czapski Art Foundation, Poljska

2. aprila 2021

Czapski Art Foundation would like to take part in a cooperation project that need support in the form of digitisation and further publication, also with the possibility of a commercial form.